Tuesday, March 9, 2010

“Raison d’être” three-dimensional art installation by Ana Knezevic in Gallery Haos

Belgrade, Feb. 26, 2010 (Serbia Today) - Ana Knezevic, notable Serbian artist, the winner of the second price at the Vladimir Velickovic Drawing Contest, surprised art lovers by her art presentation opened recently in the Gallery Haos in Belgrade. To those who thought that drawing is her main expressive tool, she showed very clearly that she is equally comfortable dealing with space and three dimensions.
At this exhibition Mrs. Knezevic substituted line of the drawing with the fluorescent lights forming geometrical art composition. Unlike with drawings, here the viewers have many points of view, they can enter, go through the installation, see it from front, back, sides, from the center, and instead of one have many various artistic experiences.
The whole gallery is a huge three-dimensional drawing that fascinates with its multi expressiveness. In the words of the artist everything is submitted to the individual experience of the viewer. To help them in their experience, artist introduces sounds (music) as a part of the installation. Thorough the utilization of visual and sound capabilities, viewer, as it is understood by artist, gets slowly from the point of chaos before entering the installation to the point of total and unconditional inner harmony.
And while this presentation is completely opposite as a mode of artistic expression from her earlier exhibition in the gallery “Belgrade”, where she exhibited drawings and paintings, it is still equally strong and wonderful example of the artistic genius of talented Serbian artist Ana Knezevic.

1 comment:

  1. Irrefutable Proof ICTY Is Corrupt Court/Irrefutable Proof the Hague Court Cannot Legitimately Prosecute Karadzic Case

    (The Documentary Secret United Nations ICC Meeting Papers Scanned Images)

    This legal technicality indicates the Hague must dismiss charges against Dr Karadzic and others awaiting trials in the Hague jail; like it or not.

    Unfortunately for the Signatures Of the Rome Statute United Nations member states instituting the ICC & ICTY housed at the Hague, insofar as the, Radovan Karadzic, as with the other Hague cases awaiting trial there, I personally witnessed these United Nations member states openly speaking about trading judicial appointments and verdicts for financial funding when I attended the 2001 ICC Preparatory Meetings at the UN in Manhattan making the iCTY and ICC morally incapable trying Radovan Karazdic and others.

    I witnessed with my own eyes and ears when attending the 2001 Preparatory Meetings to establish an newly emergent International Criminal Court, the exact caliber of criminal corruption running so very deeply at the Hague, that it was a perfectly viable topic of legitimate conversation in those meetings I attended to debate trading verdicts AND judicial appointments, for monetary funding.

    Jilly wrote:*The rep from Spain became distraught and when her country’s proposal was not taken to well by the chair of the meeting , then Spain argued in a particularly loud and noticably strongly vocal manner, “Spain (my country) strongly believes if we contribute most financial support to the Hague’s highest court, that ought to give us and other countries feeding it financially MORE direct power over its decisions.”

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Instead of censoring the country representative from Spain for even bringing up this unjust, illegal and unfair judicial idea of bribery for international judicial verdicts and judicial appointments, all country representatives present in the meeting that day all treated the Spain proposition as a ”totally legitimate topic” discussed and debated it between each other for some time. I was quite shocked!
    The idea was "let's discuss it." "It's a great topic to discuss."

    Some countries agreed with Spain’s propositions while others did not. The point here is, bribery for judicial verdicts and judicial appointments was treated as a totally legitimate topic instead of an illegitimate toic which it is in the meeting that I attended in 2001 that day to establish the ground work for a newly emergent international criminal court.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In particular., since "Spain" was so overtly unafraid in bringing up this topic of trading financial funding the ICC for influence over its future judicial appointments and verdicts in front of every other UN member state present that day at the UN, "Spain" must have already known by previous experience the topic of bribery was "socially acceptable" for conversation that day. They must have previously spoke about bribing the ICTY and
    ICC before in meetings; this is my take an international sociological honor student. SPAIN's diplomatic gesture of international justice insofar as, Serbia, in all of this is, disgusting morally!

    I represented the state interests' of the Former Yugoslavia, in Darko Trifunovic’s absence in those meetings and I am proud to undertake this effort on Serbia’s behalf.
